Upload Your Photos
510 672 2858 [email protected]
We will gladly take a look at photos of your space and get back to you to let you know our insights about your project, suggesting ideas about color, framing and placement of our art in your home and office. If you have started to fill in your surroundings, be sure to include your furniture and plants. Position the camera so that you see the wall directly in front of you. Then upload your photo below from your phone, desktop or files on your computer.
We will gladly take a look at photos of your space and get back to you to let you know our insights about your project, suggesting ideas about color, framing and placement of our art in your home and office. If you have started to fill in your surroundings, be sure to include your furniture and plants. Position the camera so that you see the wall directly in front of you. Then upload your photo below from your phone, desktop or files on your computer.